Sunday, June 28, 2020



Infographics is a new vocabulary word for me.  I had always seen what I would consider “flyers”, but I did not know that there were sites that would facilitate the creation of “flyers”.  After navigating through some apps, I found that one can use infographics as a tool for instruction.

My Infographic of Choice:  Piktochart 

I found this infographic app very user friendly.  I did not know how to create an infographic and I tend to try the app prior to getting any video tutorials.  Surprisingly, I was able to navigate and use the app with such ease.  The tiles on the side were labeled and consistent with most apps, thus facilitating the search for tools.

Infographic Apps:  Is very easy to sign-up.  One is able to create usernames and passwords or use social media such as Facebook or Google to activate an account.  It has many temples and very easy to use.  The issue for me was that I was not able to find a theme that I felt would fit my needs.  The graphics when scrolling is animated, thus making the site appealing.  It allows for animations, which was very nice.  I did not select to use as the first link did not work.  However, after I completed my infographic, I went in to the site to be able to critique the site and found that I would have enjoyed using this site as well.


Piktochart:  Again, like, activating an account was very easy.  The app allows for embedded videos and the use of icons was one that all are familiar with.  It has many templates and many icons.  There are some animation features.  I liked the break between each block and I was able to use many of the design components as well as the graphics on the text elements.  One can easily activate an account using their social media accounts on Facebook and on Twitter as well as a traditional username and password.  It is easy to use and has many charts.  It has maps and one can embed videos, SlideShare or even import sheets from Google.  The text had many options, a bit busy, but very desirable.  I felt that the templates were limited when compared to the other two, although there were plenty. 

1 comment:

  1. I also liked the ease of use with Piktochart and that the developers allow the users of the free trial to choose from all their templates. If I want to wow the crowd, I would use Infogram because of its interactive graphs.
